Launch Your Website

Custom Squarespace Web Design

Elevate your online presence with a personality-packed Squarespace website that fits your unique needs.

The Process

  • 1: Consultation & Planning

    I begin with a detailed consultation to understand your brand, goals, and vision. Together, we'll create a strategic plan to ensure your website not only looks stunning but also aligns perfectly with your objectives.

  • 2: Design & Development

    I help you bring your vision to life with a custom-designed website tailored to your brand. With your input and feedback, we'll refine the design to perfection before moving on to development.

  • 3: Launch & Beyond

    Once your website is ready, I’ll ensure a smooth launch and provide training so you can manage your site with ease.

Ways to Work with Me

Template Transformation

Effortless Customization for a Unique Online Presence

Choose from one of my expertly designed Squarespace templates and let me transform it into a unique website that reflects your brand. I will restyle the template with your fonts, brand colours, images, and copy to make it truly yours. This option is perfect for those who want a professional look without starting from scratch.

Starting at $1995 CAD

Custom Creation

Tailored to Perfection: Your Dream Website from Scratch

Get a fully customized Squarespace website built from the ground up. Together, we'll create a site that perfectly aligns with your vision, including bespoke layout, copy, images, SEO optimization, and brand colours. This package is ideal for businesses looking for a one-of-a-kind online presence that stands out from the crowd.

Starting at $4995 CAD

Designer for a Day

Quick and Focused Web Design Solutions

Need specific tasks done for your existing Squarespace website, but don't require a full redesign or new website? My 'Designer for a Day' service is perfect for you. I'll tackle your list of items, whether it's updating content, tweaking design elements, or optimizing SEO, ensuring your site looks and performs its best.

Starting at $995 CAD

Empowering Your Online Presence Beyond Website Design

You're looking for more than just a website. You want a partner to decode your vision, transform it into a stunning digital experience, and reflect your true essence to the world. That's where I come in. Crafting not just websites, but digital homes that resonate and deliver exceptional results.

Got Questions?

Let’s Get Them Answered!

  • Squarespace offers a user-friendly platform with stunning templates, built-in SEO tools, and reliable hosting, making it ideal for creating professional websites without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

  • The timeline can vary depending on the complexity of your project and my current workload. Typically, I aim to complete a website within 4-6 weeks from the start date.

  • To get started, I'll need your branding materials (logo, colour palette, etc.), content (text, images, videos), and a brief outlining your goals and vision for the website.

  • Yes, I offer the option of ongoing maintenance for an additional fee to ensure your website remains up-to-date, secure, and optimized for performance. However, one of the beauties of Squarespace is its ease of use, allowing you to manage updates and content in-house. I can provide guidance on managing your site or handle it for you for an additional fee.

  • Absolutely! I offer copywriting services to ensure your website content is engaging, compelling, and optimized for search engines. Additionally, I can provide SEO services to improve your website's visibility and rankings on search engine results pages. These add-ons can be discussed during your discovery call.

Your online presence should be as exceptional as your work, showcasing your quality and setting you apart from the rest.