What’s More Important: Having a Website or a Social Media Account?

I was chatting with a friend the other day about launching my web design business, and she, also being a small business owner, asked an essential question: “What’s more important for a business—a website or an Instagram account?” In today’s digital age, small businesses often struggle with where to focus their online presence. While both are crucial and serve different purposes, having a website holds a slight edge (although, I might be biased). Here’s why, along with why I think Squarespace is a fantastic choice for your website.

The Power of Google

When someone is looking for a product or service, the first place they usually go to research is Google. Your website is your digital storefront, open 24/7, and it’s where potential customers will land when they search for your business online. Unlike social media, which is subject to the platform’s algorithms and policies, your website is a space you fully control.

The Benefits of a Website

Credibility and Professionalism

A well-designed website gives your business credibility and professionalism. It shows that you’re serious about your brand and provides a sense of trustworthiness to your audience.

SEO and Discoverability

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key to getting found on Google. A well-optimized website can rank higher in search results, driving organic traffic to your business without the need for paid ads.

Detailed Information and Content

Your website allows you to provide comprehensive information about your products or services, showcase testimonials, share detailed blog posts, and much more. This depth of content isn’t feasible on social media alone.

E-commerce and Conversions

If you’re selling products or services online, a website with e-commerce functionality is essential. It’s designed to convert visitors into customers with a smooth and secure shopping experience.

The Role of Social Media

Engagement and Community Building

Social media is excellent for engaging with your audience, building a community, and fostering relationships. It’s a place for real-time interaction and feedback.

Brand Awareness and Reach

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn help you reach a broader audience and increase brand awareness. They’re perfect for sharing updates, promotions, and behind-the-scenes content.

Content Sharing and Virality

Social media allows for quick content sharing and the potential for viral posts. It’s ideal for visual and interactive content that can be easily shared by your followers.

Integrating Both for Maximum Impact

The best strategy isn’t to choose one over the other but to integrate both effectively. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Drive Traffic from Social Media to Your Website: Use social media to share snippets of your blog posts, product launches, or special offers, and link back to your website for more information.

  • Consistent Branding: Ensure your brand’s voice and visuals are consistent across both platforms. This creates a cohesive experience for your audience, whether they find you through Google or social media.


While social media is vital for engagement and brand awareness, your website remains the cornerstone of your online presence. It’s the first place people go to learn about your business and where they can find detailed information, make purchases, and trust your brand. By integrating both, you can create a powerful online strategy that maximizes your reach and effectiveness.

Ready to elevate your online presence with a stunning and effective website? I’m here to help! Let’s work together to make your business shine online. 🌟


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